Tuesday, 22 February 2011

First run in a while...........

Things have been a little busy recently(to say the least). On the 7th of February, my new son James (see below) was born so I've been struggling to get out and run. Instead I've been doing my homework on training plans and looking at what I want to achieve this year in running.
Being tired and and being busy have meant that I have lacked the time or motivation to get out. But, I started my new job at the weekend which has freed up more time for me so today I got out for a run.

My plan is to work on speed for a while and start running faster miles. As a result I've signe dup for a 5 mile (8k) run in May (15th) through www.dirtrunning.co.uk. It's fairly local and I'm aiming to bring my average mile time down to 7.5 min/miles so the run would take 37.5 minutes.
There is another run in November where I'll aim to improve performance.

In order to do this I'm going to do interval training, a speed sessions and one long run each week along with other exercise. The aim is to build more strength and speed while maintaining the stamina required to put that pace down for 5 miles.

I started using a new app called ITGO on the iPhone. It allows you to set interval training plans with linked music. I used it on a 20 minute interval session today and was knackered by the end.

I'll increase the length of the session next time and slow down more between intervals because it did get tough at the end.

I've struggled with eating properly for all of the same reasons above but am back onto the eating plan now and weigh ins will continue once each week.

Reading some good articles recently on NLP, it helps to have very specific goals and lots of them so in no particular order, mine are:

1) reach target weight of 12st 5lbs.
2) complete 5 miles in sub 35 minutes (7 minute miles).
3) raise some money for charity again.
4) run for fun as well as performance.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

An unexpected day off work lead to a good run!!

After my car refused to start, I took a days leave to get it sorted and ended up with the afternoon free once car was finished. The sun was out, the streets were dry, I have weigh-in in the the next couple of days so a long run seemed in order.
Just under 8 miles in 1hour 8 minutes isn't going to set any records but in the sun and for an afternoon run it felt pretty good.
Strangest sight was two intact birthday cakes by the side of the road in an industrial estate but I'm kind of proud that I didn't pick one up and try it (the old me would have!!!). You do see some odd things when you're onm the path less trod.
A couple of low-8 minute miles seems good for a middle distance run, especially as I've not done one in a while.
I've switched my diet to include more protein and less carbs and increased my fat intake on the advice of a nutrition articel I read. I may have dropped too much dietary fat as I was lethargic and struggling to recover post-exercise. So eggs are back in and olive oil on salads to balance out low-carbs. Aiming for weight loss of 3lbs tomorrow so I'm keeping fingers crossed for 13stone 2 lbs.

Result as new issue of Mens Running out today. Interested to read about interval/fartlek training app.