Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Back to basics (and conisdering the next step)

After several days of rest, I've ventured out for a couple of short runs and I'm happy to report that my knee seems to be holding up. There was some tightness for sure and I stopped a couple of times to stretch it out, but overall it felt great.

The new shoes are working well (full review to follow) and in keeping with the minimalist theme I went out without music on this run. It may sound a little corny but I felt much more focused on my running style and barefoot form than when I'm plugged in. I still took the iPhone with me, but maybe the minimalist running thing has something to offer.

I certainly appreciated the scenery around me more and was more aware of the environment I was running through, rather than just focusing on the tunes. It also helped to keep the increased cadence needed for the barefoot style (about 180p/m).

Having given up on the Eden dream for now I've started to reassess what I want to achieve. I'm excited about the ten k coming up in October and have hopes for a London (VLM) marathon placing next year, but I'm starting to think beyond that, and perhaps further than I ever have before. I've been in contact with some amazing people recently, who have achieved truly amazing feats. Following the progress of @rungeordierun as he ran
3100 miles across the states, the ongoing mission of @100mara100weeks and @dryingout among others really inspires me to consider what I could achieve, and makes me believe that I could achieve them.

It is people like these who remind us that we are all capable of so much more than we dare to dream.

If you aim to reach the stars you may on l reach the top of the tree. But if you aim for the top of the tree, you may barely leave the ground.

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