Saturday, 15 October 2011

Prelude to a race...

It's been a busy few weeks. After my (relative) success at my last run, I started to look back over my previous blogs. I love when people read it, but the truth is that it's mostly a place for me to put down in words my thoughts about running so that I can maintain some focus on my running.
In the past I've picked up an interest and ended up nowhere near my original goal, so the blog has kept me moving forward at a good pace (pun intended)

Getting more involved in the running community has made me realise just how far I have to go. I started running two years ago and am really happy with what I've achieved, but I can't help but feel that there is more to come.

I've been asked to join a XC team at work and have a number of races planned through the rest of the year and into the spring.

I love that I have got others running, some at work and some at home. Tomorrow my wife take part in her first race, a novice runner who started training six weeks ago.

I have a 10k trail run tomorrow, it's a tough trail set on the Downs in Dunstable. 10 k of hills, field and mud on single tracks. I did this race last year and posted a time just ove 49 minutes. Tomorrow I go hunting for a PB. The recipe for the day; trusty trailgloves and Garmin GPS. No music this time, seemed to help previously.

Being unsuccessful on getting into VLM left me disappointed but I found a "rebound-run" in the shape of the Milton Keynes Marathon. After tomorrow the training begins to put a decent time in for a marathon in April.

I've been asking myself what I want to achieve out of running and one word lurks in the shadows and won't leave me alone; ULTRA-MARATHON.

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