Saturday, 23 April 2011

So Terminator could be real?

This week I put my life back in the hands of Adidas MiCoach to arranger and plan my running. This great app runs symbiotically with the website and give a full training programme tailored to your fitness and goal.

I've currently set mine up for the Whipsnade 10k in June which I'm running. I'm really excited that Jake is running his 2k on the same day.

This week also saw the week that the Terminator said that Skynet would go live and become self aware and start it's offensive on mankind. It seems to have missed the news but I think that Skynet is trying to kill me through MiCoach. Four runs in a week, five hours on my feet with a lot of fast stuff in there. Last Sunday to celebrate VLM I did a ten miler in the sun along the A5. I'm getting back knackered. And it doesn't care that I'm on a hill, just tells me to go faster.

I'm guessing Skynet ran out of money and rather than sending cyborgs back, they're just gonna kill fit people by over training them.

I'm blaming Arnie for this.

Pace this week was solid and consistent, not fast yet, but I've been doing lots of trail and hills recently so my pace has dropped. I'm training for a 40 minute 10k, but I'd be thrilled to see anything under 45 minutes. I don't have a PB for a road ten k. My last one was trail running and took 49 minutes.

Training continues and in the eternal words of Sarah Connor "There is no fate but what we make, the future is not set."

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