Saturday, 30 April 2011

Running is a metaphor

I love to run. It's official. As I've mentioned before, it's all about the adventure and the challenge for me; taking the path less taken and going out when no other bugger would.
I went out this morning on an interval session which went on just long enough to let the mind wander and the time fly by. As I entered the time-bending state of mind something occurred to me.

Running is a metaphor for life.

Sometimes you are ahead and sometimes you are behind.
You can make your journey as easy or as hard as you like, but if you always travel the same route, you will always end up where you were.
The enjoyment is in the journey, not the end. Treat every step as an achievement and an adventure.
It is far too easy to berate yourself and the hardest part is sometimes saying, "I did well".
The trick seems to be having long term goals and looking at the bigger picture instead of getting caught in the moment.
And it's sometimes gritting your teeth, getting your head down, working your arse off and thinking "fuck it". I may not be the best or the fastest but I'm giving it my all and doing a lot more than most.

Training continues for upcoming runs, I'm looking for more and hoping to complete four this year. I've entered the VLM ballot and fingers crossed I'll get a place.

Loving seeing so many runners on the road and that more people from work are getting into it.

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