Over the last few weeks I've put in some good runs, but my mind has been elsewhere
I had a great 10 miler last Sunday out in the countryside which I completed in 1hr 20mins, which is faster than my half-marathon pb.
As well as a few smaller runs and a forty minute Fartlek session this morning, I can happily say that I'm in the best shape for running I have ever been. An injury I got at work has slowed me this week, but I'm well on the mend.
On top of this my new diet, inspred by a guy who competed in Marathon-des-Sable this year has seen the weight really shift off me. I'm down twenty pounds from new year and have passed my original target weight. I've lost 5% body fat as well.
While all of these things should make me happy I can't help but feel like I've plateau'd.
I have entered the VLM2012 ballot and have applied to run Thunder24 with MenRunning. I have a ten k in two weeks in Whipsnade and I have runs planned for September October and November.
I'm reading a great book at the moment called Born to Run by Christopher McDougall, a truly inpsirational book about the sinmple joys, pleasures and human need to run.
But it has left me wanting to push the boundaries of my running, to go further and on different trails.
It's taken me eighteen months to get competent at running and now I find myself at a crossroads.
How good could I be if I really pushed myself? What could I accomplish if I dedicated myself to running? And where could running take me if I'm good?
While the running continues, my mission for now is to answer these questions.
Last week on a my ten-miler I reached a (literal, not metaphorical) crossroads and took the path less taken, I added distance to my journey, quickened my pace and loved every minute. I pushed myself to achieve what I knew I could if I tried and I set a better pace than usual and finished feeling like a million dollars.
I wonder, if I take the same attitude with life in general, and running in particular, what could I accomplish?
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